
Mark Hollingsworth

Our friend Mark Hollingsworth was kind enough to put the MA-200 through its paces on a variety of woodwinds. His discography is way too deep to list here, so check out his website, but it includes work for producers Quincy Jones and David Foster, artists from Stevie Wonder to U2, and countless soundtracks and jingles.
This is what he had to say:

“Man! Dusty, I’ve done some very exhaustive testing between the Mojave and a Neumann TLM 149 (and some other mics including the AKG TLII and Rode NTK – though not in the same league)

Holy Crap! This mic rocks! I tested it on Alto, Tenor, Flute, Clarinet and it was killing on everything. It feels very natural, maybe a little hyped, but it made the Neumann sound boxy and veiled…

Geez, get me a pair and I’ll loan one out to my engineer-producer friends… for a couple of weeks… they’ll be knocking down the doors!

BTW… I also tested with the “Enhanced Audio” mic clip and that made it even more happening!”


Mark Hollingsworth

Audio Samples and Photos


Flute Comparison

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Mojave Audio MA-200



Tenor Saxophone Comparison

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Mojave MA-200



Clarinet Comparison

Mojave Audio MA-200
